National Reference Laboratories

LGC acts as a National Reference Laboratory under retained Regulation (EC) No 2017/625. This regulation covers official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules. This regulation refers to the establishment of National Reference laboratories (NRL) who co-ordinate activities within their own member state.

The duties of these laboratories are set out in the legislation but their principal role is to provide analytical and scientific support to ensure that food and feed control is carried out effectively and in a harmonised manner.

National Reference Laboratories are nominated by the relevant competent authorities. In the UK, these are the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

LGC is the UK National Reference Laboratory for the following areas:

For Annual Reports, advisory notes or newsletter, please see below.

GMO NRL Annual Reports

Feed Additive NRL Annual Reports

Advice Notes

GMO Authorisations (method validation services) Annual Reports

NRL Newsletters